A: Publishing with Cureus is 100% free as long as the submission complies with all Cureus editorial guidelines. Article submissions with too many errors will be required to purchase on of our tiered editing services in order to proceed. Click here for more information on Cureus Editing Services.
Q: What is the cost to publish my work on Cureus?
Sunita Ojha What are the guidelines for autobiographical case report.? Is it the same as for usual case report in terms of word count, heading etc...
shirin farsad thank you for printing the article for free
Bacha Merga Thank you very much for free publication
MHARRACH Imane How can i Know how cost ?
Mehreen Ali Khan Thanks a lot for free publication
Fakhraa Jabber Muhbes فخرية جابر مهيب what is the cost for publication the manscripte
Jeni Cherneva Dear editorial,I am writing to you with the request to send me an invoice for paying the revision of my case report. I want to know the tax ant the IBAn so tjat I can pay.I am looking forward for hearing for you!Zheyna -
Tauseef kibria Dear editor ,
My article is stuck in 6/8 (ie last stage of publication ) for last 4 months .no reply from editor side ie publication requested and in orange written editorial approval 6/8 .
Kindly consider and proceed to publication from my account email kibria4u@gmail.com
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